Welcome to the Mastermind Season 8 Submission Thread! If you wish to participate in this season, please respond to the following writing challenge prompt.
Suppose you are in a lucid dream. This lucid dream lasts for an entire month in your dream world but only one night in the real world and you have complete control over what happens in this dream. Write a 2000-word short story that vividly describes the experience of having this dream. This experience does not need to be exclusive to the events you encounter in the dream itself. Some parts of your story can focus on what happens to you and your surroundings before and after the dream. Finally, the dream you refer to does not need to be a dream you have had before (i.e, you can make up all the relevant details as needed to complete this challenge).
Once you have completed the challenge, please reply to this submission thread. In your reply, you must include a link or an attached file to your submission.
Replies to THIS thread will close on Tuesday November 5th, 2024 at 11:59pm EST.
Please keep in mind that the judge(s) will assign grades based on the following marking criteria:

Please give the judge(s) at least two weeks after the deadline to grade each submission and return the scores accompanied with constructive feedback.
At the end of the competition, we will contact you via email from info@projectinfinitybp.com if you are eligible to receive a prize. We will not use any other email address to give out the prizes.
All prizes come in the form of PayPal donations so you need to have an email that is connected to a PayPal account to receive the award(s).
The submission(s) with the highest average will win the 1st place $100 USD prize. The submission(s) with the second and third-highest averages will receive a $50 USD prize each.
Good luck, have fun, and let your creativity flow!
Had a fun time trying to imagine this one. Good luck everyone.
What a refreshing contest. i had to extrapolate on puns and tactics so that my document became a zip file ^^, Salute! https://docs.google.com/document/d/11clsY0xTZiWq3p5vWI5pf63sIz63rn_WQNec9hoXzCs/edit?usp=sharing
Here's my submission! Inspired by a friend who went through this, with a taste of my nerdy touch. A lot of metaphors and jokes are intertwined in the dream as it's a very emotion-centric story. I'm not saying that you're going to cry reading this, but the feelings of the characters are very warped given this is a dream and are key aspects of the plot. Haven't written anything in a while, so I'm excited to get back into it with something as random as a lucid dream!
Who could only think that 2000-words is not enough?
Hi everyone!
Please join our Official Mastermind Community Discord server for future updates regarding our future competitions and the results! Note that you need to create a Discord account for free first if you don't have one. Here is the link to our server: https://discord.gg/xkXqs7YwhF
Did we have to write a story of our creation? I mean, do I have to make it about myself? I got an idea, started to write it down, made 700 words by that time and then returned here to check the prompt 😀. Since I write a fictional story, it is about a fictional character who had that dream. Also, for now, 400 of these words are the introduction (what you refer to as “what happens to you and your surroundings before”) 😲😀
This can range from thriller to romance or even erotica. How many judges do we have and what genres do they like? It would be pointless to write something the judges hate to read.