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How to use this website?

Mastermind is an online creative writing community. Members can ask questions, receive voluntary feedback, and share their work on the discussion forum. Members may also create their own unique creative writing challenges or simply read other peoples' work for fun. Sometimes, we may post blogs or reflections to spark interest for further discussion. Finally, we offer new writing contests every few months, which last for two weeks each. This is a community and user-friendly environment designed for passionate thinkers to meet each other online, share their experiences, and help each other become more well-minded individuals.


Members can submit their work to this website after responding to any writing prompt from the discussion forum or challenge archives. All archived challenges can be found by hovering over the "About" section. 


Example: The Summer 2024 Challenges are a starting point for participating actively in this community. They are divided into two main modules (each module is made up of multiple challenges corresponding to world building and character-based writing prompts) and a final challenge. The purpose behind each of the preliminary modules is to guide and encourage members to build their own in-universe bank of knowledge for their stories, which  cumulative into a work of fiction. â€‹Submissions can up uploaded to this website and be shared at any time.

Wooden Surface

Why Mastermind?

This community is...


- A safe, encouraging, and user-friendly environment

- For anyone who has passion in creative writing

- For anyone with any level of background in creative writing and the English language

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